Over 50s
Osteopathy for over 50s
As we age changes happen throughout the body. We may begin feel ‘creaky’ and less flexible, joints may become achy, we may find we get tired more quickly. Gradually over time we lose bone mass and muscle mass.
On the positive side research has found that older people tend to be more content and happy with life.
Osteopathic treatment is tailored to the individual, aiming to improve flexible, decrease discomfort and help to maintain mobility. A consultation may include advice about physical activity, stretching, how to manage stress and the importance of getting enough sleep.
Osteopathic treatment is soothing and gentle and so is suitable even for an individual who is frail and elderly.
Osteopaths are fully trained to recognise health conditions and will refer you to a medical doctor or other practitioner if appropriate.
Speak with an osteopath about your health questions.
We offer an initial 15 minute phone call or visit to the clinic to speak with an osteopath about your health issues, free of charge.
Call 07808 670 834 today to arrange a time.